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The messages below are messages from citizens all across the USA, who have reached out for help.

Goldendale, Washington State


My husband and I live in Goldendale WA and have just recently had it confirmed that there is going to be a large scale solar farm next to our retirement property. We are surrounded by beautiful farmland and our neighbors and us are just devastated by this proposed site that could cover hundreds if not thousands of acres. How do we stop it if it is even possible? Thank you. Concerned Citizen

Fairfield, Utah


I’m a citizen of Fairfield, UT. We’re a small town of approx 150 people, that sits next to Eagle Mountain, one of Utah’s largest growing cities just south of Salt Lake City.


We have a small (untrained and unsophisticated) government with very little experience with the business world at large. Next Era Energy has submitted a multi-phase Utility scale solar project (approx 3,250 acres in Fairfield- and an additional 10,000+ acres in adjoining land) wanting to lease LDS Church Farm land - obviously zoned agricultural, for the next 40 years. Other “unaffiliated” solar groups have also submitted utility-scale projects in the land adjacent to Fairfield. It’s city land, state land, county land, etc.


Upon further investigation, these supposed “unaffiliated” solar groups are part of Next Era’s 1600+ subsidiaries and DBA’s, or part of previous solar/wind Partnerships. Next Era energy is targeting small towns and uncommunicating cities and counties to create a MASS (over 13,000 acres) scale solar project, which according to my research would place it as potentially the largest or one of the largest utility scale solar projects GLOBALLY second only to perhaps China and India. Our tiny group of citizens cannot possibly fight this, as we have very few resources and very little political know-how to even know how to start opposing.


I’m desperate for your help and direction. Research on the deleterious effects of such large scale projects is beginning to emerge in world-wide scholarly journals, but none of the research has been conducted on a project of this size. I can’t even fathom the exponential effects of such a project. I don’t believe, when there is an absolute absence of longitudinal data, that United States citizens should be the guinea pigs for such global projects. I believe in responsible solar energy, located in pre-existing industrial parks, parking lots, commercial areas, etc. I do not believe in “green energy” at the utter destruction of green space.


We are a historical town (Camp Floyd) abutting a recreational area. Our mayor literally shushed the State Biologist and local environmental groups when they tried to communicate their grave concerns. We have some of the very little open land near Utah’s largest population centers.


Our local government is unfortunately uneducated and immature. When they met with Next Era Energy, we told them we don’t need their darn money. We want walking trails and a fishing pond. A fishing pond! I could see the laughter in Next Era’s eyes behind their pandemic face masks.


Planning and Zoning Commission is having a Public Hearing on Wednesday (14th) with incredibly misleading agenda items so as not to draw any public attention. Example: Discuss General Plan Example: Discuss re-zoning I’m desperate for help.


Please contact me at your earliest convenience, I’ll be happy to talk to someone regardless of the day or time. Thank you for your consideration. Concerned Citizen

Plymouth County, Massachusetts

We are fighting large industrial solar operations here in Plymouth, Wareham and Carver Massachusetts, where companies are clearing hundreds of acres of globally rare pitch pine forests, excavating tons of sand and gravel that are protecting a large sole source aquifer, with the excuse end use of installing mega ground mounted solar arrays. Your site is an inspiration. Concerned Citizen


Our community needs help! Some of the most fertile and beautiful farm ground here Louisiana is being transformed into unsightly solar farms. About 500 acres are already dedicated as a solar farm. The community demanded a moratorium but another 2500 acres in a 60 mile radius is being considered - with a neighboring parish being looked at for more. Concerned Citizen


I live in a rural Agricultural Conservation District in Delaware and our farmland has suddenly become the most sought after land by solar developers.  I am currently fighting a 580 acre solar field containing over 230,000 panels within 1 mile of one of the farms my family owns.  This is in the Mid Atlantic Migratory Bird Flyway, the Delaware Scenic Byway, and the land is all zoned Agriculture Conservation.  Any help or guidance would be appreciated.  The hearing for this farm is tonight.  It was snuck through our local government and our community just found out. Concerned Citizen



We live in Virginia and our county has allowed two solar panel farms and I use the word farm lightly because it’s not a farm but anyway without a solar panel policy they are asking for a special exception to turn agricultural land 1100 acres into a solar power plant which wraps around all of our homes literally I have flooded my property my road they’ve killed my trees it’s a big mess and we are looking for civil lawyers and lawyers to file a suit either against our Board of Supervisors our local government the solar panel facility itself we don’t know what to do we just need help. Concerned Citizen


Any advice welcomed. Our rural neighborhood was just notified that a 1200 acre solar farm is moving in...200 feet from my home foundation, 100 ft from property. Fears: altering soil, water (lg flowing creek), wildlife, health, property value. Please, any advice, documentation, or moral support on solar population. County mtg Jan 5. (Note: I recycle, grow organic, not against solar, but fear the mega volume so close too families, farm soil, & creek) God Bless your efforts. Concerned Citizen

King and Queen County, Virginia

I am a fifth generation farmer in King and Queen Co, Va. We have recently been the target for a massive 1,400 acre solar project on a combination of wooded, field, and low lying wetlands full of many types of wildlife, streams, swamps, and multiple homes that will be unfairly devalued by their proximity to the project, in our low population rural and beautiful county. My family turned down offers of outrageous promises of lease rates and purchase offers on our family land, but unfortunately others did not. It seems that high lease/purchase prices, monetary pledges to the county by the solar company(bribes in my opinion), meetings held Irresponsibility/unfairly during a pandemic, and some possible under table politics have succeeded in project approval by the county. Is there any hope of preventing this? Thanks, Concerned Citizen

South Ripley, New York


Our small rural agricultural town of South Ripley, NY is being proposed for a 270 megawatt solar farm along with a 20 megawatt lithium ion battery storage system. This is going to forever change our beautiful, wooded and pastoral area forever if this goes through. Governor Cuomo is aggressively pursuing green energy projects across the state in order to meet an unrealistic goal of NY State being 70% renewable energy by 2030. Lost in the green energy fervor is the fact that our area is one of the worst areas in the country for solar radiance. We have a determined small group of landowners, citizens and other interested parties that are opposed to this and are currently getting organized. You have a very professional, objective, fact based website, which we hope to use as a model for us going forward. If there is someone that we could contact from time to time for advice it would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes, Concerned Citizen

East Texas

Hello, I'm from SaveDikeFromSolar out in East Texas. We're a group of hundred of citizens trying to stop a proposed 2,000 acre solar industrial power plant complex. Engie (French Co.) is trying to log hundreds of acres of rare Post Oak Forest in our town of Dike (Hopkins County) so they can install approx 1.6 million panels. Our landscape is a forested wetland, Engie is only here for the KV power line and the lucrative tax break our County Commissioners granted them. Concerned Citizen

Franklin County, Letterkenny, Pennsylvania,

We are located in south central Pennsylvania (Franklin County, Letterkenny Township). We have a 350 acre solar farm going in beside and around us. NO neighbors are in favor of it. Only the land owners putting in the solar farm are in favor of it. We were told, by the company, Urban Grid, that they would come around and talk to us before anything started/happened. They said they would be and wanted to be "good neighbors". There would be community meetings to address questions. No one came around. No meetings were held. Surveying has been done and stakes are going in the ground. WHAT ARE OUR OPTIONS? Please and thanks.Concerned Citizen

Rockingham County


On behalf of a citizens group in Rockingham County, I am writing an in-depth policy analysis for submission to the Board of Supervisors in opposition to a proposed industrial scale solar facility. This would be the first industrial scale solar facility in the County, and the board's decision will set the trajectory for future rulings. The board has already held its public hearing and may make a decision as early as next Wednesday. I would appreciate the chance to talk with you as soon as possible. Many thanks! Concerned Citizen

Shelby County, Indiana.


Please help us in Shelby county, Indiana. The Ranger Solar Speedway Solar Project has already been approved here- a 2000 acre project. There is over 10,000 acres currently being scouted by other industrial solar companies throughout the county. The county has rejected our pleas for a better solar ordinance. Some elected officials go to lunch with commercial solar reps when they come to town. They are gobsmacked by the amount of tax income promised. Is there anything you can do to help us? Concerned Citizen

Dinwiddie, Virginia USA

Looking for any info. To help me push back against large solar farms.We have a company proposing a 2000 acre in Dinwiddie. Concerned Citizen

Harmony Township, New Jersey USA

Our town, Harmony Township, NJ, has just got application to entertain a massive solar industrial farm on land the township preserved buying out the developmental rights to keep that land which is highly valuable best soil and is close to the Delaware River. We get migratory birds covering these fields every year. Deer and bear depend on these fields as well as all our hawks and owls for food, not just to feed humans. We get River fog almost daily and the fields will be fogged in for hours before the fog burns off. Putting these solar panels on this farmland is horrendous. We just lost fields and fields of precious farmland to monstrous warehouses which are not that far away. Now more precious farmland will be wasted. Can you help us? Is there any attorneys we could hire? Also one of our farmers close by rents this land. He depends on these hundreds of acres for his crop yield. We just got word our town is pushing this. They get revenue from this, but our township has low taxes and does not need the money. I am so sad to see these fields get swallowed up with brown when they provide such life to everything around here no one sees. Nature needs us yo save this land! Concerned Citizen

Klickitat County, Washington State


hi, i live in klickitat county washington the 5th largest county in usa for renewable energy. hydro power from dams on the columbia river thousands of wind turbines line the surrounding hilltops, a planned pumped storage and in 2019 the county approve a 6300 acres lund hill solar farm. now they are planning 2000 + acres solar farm 50 feet from our will be on agricultural land. the invenergy corporation has quietly leased this farmland. when asked the county claims to know nothing about this plan. if i know how is it that they do not know ?? making behind closed door deals is just a way to avoid opposition and get the the solar farm approved. the invenergy project manager told me their plan will be approved 12/2021 and start 01/2022. how do they know this ? there are some ordinances setback/screening but not many governing solar farms and the invenergy can get variances. the county does not have the impacted homeowners best interest at heart, they will put the solar farm first and let a few landowners leasing their land get rich and the county will get a little tax revenue. how can we fight/stop/control this ? can you give us any help ? Concerned Citizen

Gloucester, Virginia


We would like to link up with you and get your ideas since there is a proposal by Tri Global Energy, a large company out of Texas, to install a 1,000 acre solar farm adjacent to our properties. My address is in Gloucester,VA which you may use as a reference on Google Earth to view the farm in question. We are basically surrounded by wetlands and have a delicate ecosystem including Bald Eagles, Egrets, Redtailed Hawks,etc. as well as a host of migratory birds. We are on the Northwest branch of the Severn River and a portion of the farm is directly bordering the river. We would very much appreciate any guidance you may give us regarding this situation and applaud your efforts in defeating the solar farm proposal in Culpepper. Thank you and all the best. Concerned Citizen

Yellowwood, Ohio


Project yellowwood in ohio taking 2700 acres would like for this not to happen I also have well water worried about contamination and property values. Concerned Citizen

Augusta County, Virginia

I live in Augusta County and we are fighting a large Strata Solar project here that will cover productive farmland and fundamentally change the rural character and natural beauty of our part of the county. Any resources, advice or other assistance you can provide would be much appreciated. We have a Planning Commission public hearing now scheduled for January 12. Thanks! Concerned Citizen

Stuarts Draft, Virginia


Hello there, I recently heard that there will be an installation of a solar field in my town of Stuarts Draft, VA . It will occupy 880 acres of farmland. The meeting for it will w held tomorrow night. Is there any chance someone from your organization could speak out against this . I want to have educated voices there not just people who don’t want their view to be ruined. Let me know if there is a possibility. Thank you so much for your mission. Concerned Citizen

Pulaski County Virginia


We're fighting the same thing. Hecate Solar is trying to dump a 2700 acre solar farm right in my backyard in Pulaski County VA. To make things worse the chair of the board of supervisors spearheaded getting them in and he is going to make hundreds of thousands a year slopping this all over his mother's property. Concerned Citizen

Goldendale, Washington State


My husband and I live in Goldendale WA and have just recently had it confirmed that there is going to be a large scale solar farm next to our retirement property. We are surrounded by beautiful farmland and our neighbors and us are just devastated by this proposed site that could cover hundreds if not thousands of acres. How do we fight it if it is even possible? Thank you. Concerned Citizen

Suffolk Virginia


A number of Solar companies have applied for solar projects in Suffolk, VA. I am a Healthcare Provider and Community Advocate in my rural community. I am most intetested in being in contact with your organization. We are surrounded on two sides by impaired waterways and I am a very vocal resident, veteran, and conservative. I look forward to connecting.Concerned Citizen

Edgefield County, South Carolina


We are fighting a proposed 1200 acre solar project here in rural Edgefield County, SC. It is the Caddis project. Cypress Creek from California is the company. There is an federally protected, critically endangered species of freshwater mussel named the Carolina Heelsplitter located near the property. I have had some help from Fish and Wildlife in this regard. The property is heavily wooded with creeks and streams. This project will impact people’s homes. One family will have panels on three sides of their home. Everyone is also on well water. Any advice or help that you can give would be greatly appreciated. Concerned Citizen

Albemarle County, Virginia.


We live in Albemarle County, VA. Central Virginia Electric Cooperative (CVEC) has just purchased the 168-acre parcel behind our small family farm. They will be seeking a special use permit to develop a solar farm there. This is a rural, forested area. It is not an appropriate fit for this project. My neighbors and I don’t know how to fight this project. We need help. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Concerned Citizen


I will be having my well tested before the panels come to my area and many times over the course of the panels being near my well. If it changes because of the chemicals that are from the panels or from the acid wash, you rest assured that I will ne seuing the company that owns them, the company that will be taking care of the panels and the farmers too . And who ever has any thing to do with those environment that will be destroyed our wells, and contaminated our lands. Concerned Citizen

Edgefield South Carolina


Edgefield SC- A group of citizens are arguing against a 1200+ Acre solar farm in a rural/agricultural area. Caddis Solar has leased land from a private landowner and wishes to cut and mass grade forested and timbered land-1200+ acres of it. We appeared in front of our planning commission 11/12. Our sewgment starts at roughly 1:30 into attached video. We would appreciate any insight you could offer as to stopping this. The county appears to want this to happen. We feel we are fighting a losing battle. Concerned Citizen



My limited experiences in California combatting out-of-control bureaucrats intent on building large-scale solar power projects has led me to believe the only language these individuals understand/the only persuasive dialogue these otherwise charming technocrats respond to is counterforce in the form of lawsuits. Consequently, my private view is that one needs to amass a "war chest" to attack these proposed projects early on through legal means, spearheading additional counterforces in the form of political pressure, lobbying, widespread communication its opposition. Any insights and/or recommendations as to environmental lawyers who have demonstrated skill at heading such arrogance/ignorance off at the pass would be much appreciated. Concerned Citizen



They are proposing over 30 new projects in Ohio and the one beside me is 5100 acres. It will have a 3000 acre site one mile north of it in the same county. Can I get some more information about the toxic waste that can come off the panels. Do you have any other advice for us. On the 5000 acre project there are 135 homes adjacent to the site. We need environmental facts to relay to the power siting board which has approved every application so far. Ohio has basically zero laws in place and has made a law that local government has no jurisdiction. Now the state is under siege of these huge solar operations and they are approving all of them.. Any help would be appreciated. Concerned Citizen

Mt.Vernon, Indiana


I live in rual Mt.Vernon Indiana, and there is a 2,000 acre solar panel farm project in the works.(Tenaska is the company) My home and many others will be surrounded. My community wants to come together to oppose this. We have no idea how to start. We would love any help or advice on the process. Thank you! Citizen

Pulaski County, Indiana


I own farm ground in Pulaski County, Indiana. We have solar companies that are ambushing productive farm ground for solar energy. We have created a website: to educate residents the harm of mega solar plants especially on productive farmland being lost. Concerned Citizen

Ware, MA



I came across your organization in researching the effects of solar farms. I’m hoping you can help or offer suggestions. In the last few days, we have learned a large (400+/- acres) commercial solar farm is planned to go in nearby ( On June 22, 2020, Amid the pandemic, our town’s zoning bylaws regarding Solar Energy Facilities were amended (Article 4.8.3, Use Regulations of Solar Energy Facilities Town of Ware Zoning Bylaws In researching the Planning Board’s minutes and recent application filings, I have learned our town of approximately 9800 has approved 3 ground mounted solar facilities in 2019 and another 3 were approved in 2020. (


As of now, there has not been a public hearing set for the King Brook Solar project, though visible preparations are being made. From the road you can see acres of forest have been removed; farmland that once produced hay is no longer used for that purpose but is instead being used as a direct access for loggers. I have tried to do my research on solar farms only to find “positive” information put out by solar companies. Firsthand I have yet to see any positives and the facility has not even been built. While we may not see the facility from our property as the plan currently stands, hopefully due to wetlands behind us it will remain that way, we fear residual effects; increased heavy truck traffic during construction, possible health effects, decreased property values, water contamination (this is in close proximity to Quabbin Reservoir which provides water to Boston and where we are located we only have access to well water, the town water is a whole other can of worms!), fire potential and frankly just the unknown. This project has been kept under wraps, one landowner -with a 68-acre stake in the project- stated he was adding cornfields as a reason for clearing forest land. I run a small business from my house as well as a free equestrian nonprofit for children of military families and due to zoning cannot even put business signage at the end of the driveway, but as of now a 400-acre solar facility can be built in the same zone.


I apologize for the frustration as well as writing a novel, some of these landowners are big deals in our town and to just learn about this project it just seems shady how it’s been kept quiet. Again, I appreciate your time and any advice you may have to try and stop this project. Concerned Citizen

Collins, NY

Help help help . We are currently fighting a 54 acre Solar plan being put up in Collins NY . Beautiful rolling elevation of farm land to be covered by nasty invasive obstructing solar panels. Concerned Citizen


I just watched Susan in a video where she discussed violations by the solar company and she mentions a violation tracker. DO you have info on violations by EnergixUSA or EnergixRenewables or Caden Energix? I am opposing EnergixUSA/Westlake Solar in my community. Many thanks, Concerned Citizen

Collins, NY

We and by we I mean everyone in our township have just been told a solar company has leased 2000 acres of land for solar panel farms They have surveyed and tested soil and now cutting down trees for power lines to the sites for sub stations. We had no idea what they have been up to and the farmers that signed leases have kept it a secret. They have not even been approved by our planning commission (most of which have leased to them) HELP! how can we control what they are planning? Concerned Citizen


I just watched Susan in a video where she discussed violations by the solar company and she mentions a violation tracker. DO you have info on violations by EnergixUSA or EnergixRenewables or Caden Energix? I am opposing EnergixUSA/Westlake Solar in my community. Concerned Citizen


Our citizen-led organization is fighting a 60-megawatt solar facility being proposed in Copake/Craryville, NY -- the heart of the Hudson Valley. The 360-acre facility would displace hundreds of acres of prime farmland and surround protected streams, wetlands and forests. The site also abuts the regional school campus and an Audubon Sanctuary. Most important, the Town of Copake has a zoning law that prohibits solar installations greater than 10 acres on any parcel of land, so Hecate Energy is using the Article 10 (and soon will switch to 94-C) process to circumvent local laws. Would appreciate speaking with someone at your organization to see how we might leverage your work and resources. Concerned Citizen


Our entire county in southern Ohio is being inundated with solar farms. We have formed a group to fight against this and I would love to share information with someone that may be able to help up. Please contact me as soon as possible, we’ve already lost the battle with one project that was slipped in before anyone even knew what was happening. Please help us fight!!

Batesville Albemarle County

Central Virginia Electric Coop is trying to install a large 80 acre solar farm near Batesville in rural Albemarle County. We are near the Mechums River watershed which would be effected greatly. Also there are many households mine being one of them that would be downstream from any run off coming from the solar panels. The community is not in favor of this solar farm there has been one virtual meeting held my Albemarle County but to date we have not been informed of any information from that meeting. Help from outside would be appreciated in trying to prevent this from happening. Concerned Citizen


I am a resident of Ohio. Our Citizens are organizing and trying to stop industrial Solar as well. Some home owners will be surrounded on all four sides of their homes should these projects proceed. Our politicians have failed us and are no help at all. Only we as organized citizens are going to able to stop these projects.


We are fighting a battle to keep out several industrial scale solar farms in our agricultural community. Unfortunately, it seems to lay in the hands of the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB). Many of our citizens were not even aware that a farm was going in next to their home! I was wondering if I could use some of your language from your website to create a flyer to distribute to our county? I have signed your petition. Thank you for having this information here. Several of us in our almost 1000 member FaceBook Group have navigated to your site in hopes to glean some help from your work.

Scurry County, Texas

Our commissioners court is having a hearing for a tax abatement for a solar farm in our county. Scurry County TX the meeting is on May 25th, 2021 Scurry County Courthouse, at 10am. If anyone is in our area please attend!


My family has been farming in Massachusetts for over 70 years. I would greatly appreciate a contact number and time to schedule a call to speak with Susan Ralston in regards to a solar project proposed for a Massachusetts cranberry bog. Thank you for your consideration.

Parma, Michigan

Hello, we are currently voicing our concerns to our local township. Parma, MI. 49269 on a large scale solar farm. 200MW on 1200 acres of prime farm land, animal habitat( including an endangered species). We need help, how do we fight against our community?

Linn County, Lowa

I live in rural Linn County Iowa and we are under assault from NextEra Energy (FL) and Centera Energy (ID) planning over 4000 acres of Industrial Solar. Thank you for providing examples of ordinances that restrict industrial solar. My preference is to flat out ban industrial in Linn County (NextEra has already been fined in other states for not complying to local ordinances). Do you have any example ordinances banning industrial solar? Thanks for your hard work and the resources on this website!

Cecilia, KY

On June 15 the Planning and Zoning Committee will be voting on a 1072 acre Solar Complex in Cecilia, KY. taking prime farmland. Would appreciate any help in opposing this. Looking for a charismatic speaker.

North Annville Township, PA

Hi, I live in North Annville Township, PA. We just became aware of a 1,200+ acre solar farm that is going in across the street from our farm. Your site has been very helpful--any chance you have additional resources that we might be able to use? I'm specifically looking for flyers I could customize and hand out door-to-door, and newspaper ad examples (thinking of taking out a full-page ad in the local newspaper). Also, do you know of any lawyers in PA who have helped fight solar farms?


Keep up the fight! industrial solar is not good for our community

North Annville Township, PA

Hi, I live in North Annville Township, PA. We just became aware of a 1,200+ acre solar farm that is going in across the street from our farm. Your site has been very helpful--any chance you have additional resources that we might be able to use? I'm specifically looking for flyers I could customize and hand out door-to-door, and newspaper ad examples (thinking of taking out a full-page ad in the local newspaper). Also, do you know of any lawyers in PA who have helped fight solar farms?


We are fighting to stop subsidies for land based solar that is clear-cutting Massachusetts forests. Our group is Glad to see what you are doing.


The largest solar farm has been planned in portage township pennsylvania and is currently underway.. please help.. give some direction thank you!


We have large scale solar attempting to penetrate our township. 1200acres etc. We support small solar but not farmland grabbing industrial complexes! (We have large flat farmland 300 acre parcels etc. ) What are items in solar ordinances the solar company’s shy away from. (Setbacks 500 ft etc. ) fees? What are deal breakers?


We are facing the destruction of 3000 ac of the best farmland in two counties.. I own 430 of those acres and have been getting pressure from solar companies three of them to be exact because I own all the property around the local substation.. The words eminate domain have already been used by them about my property. The local people have no idea this is even going on. I sure could use some help and advice


We have large scale solar attempting to penetrate our township. 1200acres etc. We support small solar but not farmland grabbing industrial complexes! (We have large flat farmland 300 acre parcels etc. ) What are items in solar ordinances the solar company’s shy away from. (Setbacks 500 ft etc. ) fees? What are deal breakers?

Duluth, Minnesota

Please assist. My wife and I I own a 20 acre organic farm in Duluth, MN. Our farm is woman and disabled owned (I am autistic). The farm is located in the city limits of Duluth right next to 40 acres owned by the city of Duluth. The power company in our area, Allete/MN Power is proposing building a 1.6 Megawatt solar farm on the city property right next to our farm. The proposed solar farm site is centered literally in the center of identified wetlands. While the city seems to be supportive of the large solar farm, the city opposes our farm putting up a new small seasonal non-permanent vegetable hoop house and says if we wanted such a thing on our farm we'd have to have a building permit, architect, structural engineer and a land survey.


We're concerned that the large solar farm will impact the wetlands the solar farm will be built next to as well as being only 1.8 miles from the internationally known Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve, an area that attracts thousands of raptors and owls who can hunt the currently undeveloped fields for rodents. What can we do?


The virtual meeting of the City of Duluth planning commission to discuss this with the public is at 5:00pm CST on Tuesday 7/13/2021. The link to attend the meeting will be: I have difficulty communicating verbally far more than I do in written form and I'm concerned I won't be able to voice my concerns.


We are facing the destruction of 3000 ac of the best farmland in two counties.. I own 430 of those acres and have been getting pressure from solar companies three of them to be exact because I own all the property around the local substation.. The words eminate domain have already been used by them about my property. The local people have no idea this is even going on. I sure could use some help and advice


We have large scale solar attempting to penetrate our township. 1200acres etc. We support small solar but not farmland grabbing industrial complexes! (We have large flat farmland 300 acre parcels etc. ) What are items in solar ordinances the solar company’s shy away from. (Setbacks 500 ft etc. ) fees? What are deal breakers?

Adams County, IN

We are in the midst of trying to get our county to pass strict ordinances to help keep solar farms from coming into Adams County, IN. They are wanting prime farm ground for this. Out Plan Committee created strict ordinances, but it is pending approval by our commissioners, who are being solicited by three solar companies that are pushing their agenda and $$ unfortunately talks. Do you have any literature, documents, ads etc. that would assist us? I'm not against solar, but it shouldn't consume prime agricultural farm land.

Lancaster County, VA


Hello I am located in Lancaster County Va. on July 1. Dominion Power held a “open house” to discuss a proposed utility sized solar development on 2,900 acres )approximately 3 and a half % of the Lancaster County land mass) adjacent to my subdivision. It will include 380,000 solar panels ( 100 megawatts ) and 50 megawatts of on site battery storage. The majority of land is currently owned by John Hancock Insurance Company and is harvested from time to time for timber . It currently has a vast number of wildlife such as deer, turkeys, turtles, fox, wild birds, etc. The terrain is very hilly. The potential runoff goes into streams on the property which feed into the headwaters of the Western Branch of the Corotoman River that flows into the Rappahannock River near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. I am reaching out of help in developing a grassroots plan to counter this development and any Guidance, direction, experience you can share would be greatly appreciated.

Licking County, Ohio

We live in Hartford Township, (Licking County, Ohio), and Harvey Solar is proposing a huge solar development in our township. We need help and guidance in fighting this installation.


There is a 20000 Acre solor farm that is purposed to come to my area, we have a petition going around, but some of the larger farms have already sold land to the solor company, and the solar company is pressuring the other land owners, for example the company is having a meeting to explain the benefits of the massive solar project next week and I've been sent two letters from the company so far. Is there any you can give us

Smithville, TX.

Our 4th generation family ranch is on the same road as other land leased for Big Star Solar, a 1,720-acre solar project in near Smithville, TX.

Sherwood, Ohio

I am looking for some information and guidance on fighting a proposed 700 acre project near our legacy family farm in Sherwood, Ohio. We are building a brand new house in our property and part of the proposed acreage is directly across the road from us as we face west. Any guidance and help is appreciated. Thank you!

Charlotte County

Randolph Solar has target my area and things are starting to get ugly with my neibors. Tomorrow afternoon the Charlotte county board of supervisors are having a meeting on expanding the Randolph Solar company's solar "farm" to a much larger project. Any way we can get more information about the impact of these "farms" on our county's land?

Dunkirk, IN

I was visited today by two representatives from a solar farm company. They are proposing a 1400 acre solar farm that will surround 2/4 of my property. I am concerned about my property value and health outcomes from this. What can I do?

Lynchburg, Ohio


A solar company in energy is trying to get permits from state to put a solar farm in on zoned agriculture and residential property in Lynchburg Ohio .We are a mall farming community and are in need of help.

They are looking to destroy more than 2800 acres of farm land and completely surround several houses. Concerned Citizen

Linn County, Oregan

Hello I live in Albany Oregon, Linn County is where I reside they have recently approved a 20 acre facility that joins my property as well as 12 other property owners we have appealed it once unsuccessfully yesterday we again appealed it costing us $2000 to appeal not sure what steps we should take please help us.

Lynchburg, Ohio


A solar company in energy is trying to get permits from state to put a solar farm in on zoned agriculture and residential property in Lynchburg Ohio .We are a mall farming community and are in need of help.

They are looking to destroy more than 2800 acres of farm land and completely surround several houses. Concerned Citizen

Help us protect agricultural-forestry zoned land


PLEASE CONTACT US HERE TO JOIN OUR EFFORT to protect agricultural-rural land from industrial-scale solar development.  
We are a grassroots group of concerned citizens organized to promote responsible solar and other forms of renewable energy. Destruction of habitat on an industrial scale is not green.

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